IAPB launches its Community of Practice
IAPB Community of Practice
On 26 February, IAPB launched its community of practice, building on existing collaboration between IAPB and the 30+ pilot projects we first assembled at COP16 in Cali.
This forum brings together practitioners to share learnings and insights on how their projects are implemented on the ground, enable productive exchanges between project developers, including feedback-giving and sharing of methodologies, and support practical application of IAPB’s Framework guidance and High-Level Principles for high integrity biodiversity credit markets.
The group’s inaugural meeting focused on the topic of high integrity measurement and shone a light on the latest developments and cutting-edge innovation that is helping to underpin rigorous, verifiable and high-quality measurement of credits and their outcomes. The session was introduced by IAPB’s co-chairs Dame Amelia Fawcett and Sylvie Goulard. David Craig also shared insights on how IAPB's Measurement Working Group has tackled this important topic, including by publishing a set of core design criteria.
The meeting was attended by over 40 individuals and organisations and featured presentations by the Wildlife Conservation Society, CreditNature and CDC Biodiversité on their ongoing work to embed high integrity measurement in project design and delivery.
Finance in Common Summit (FiCS)
Cape Town, South Africa
IAPB is pleased to be joining the Finance in Common Summit, the first global summit for Public Development Banks.
There are a series of events we are organising. They include:
February 25th : Biodiversity Credits: Harnessing New Avenues for PDBs in Nature Finance
This event co-organized with Agence Française de Développement (AFD) in Southern Africa and IAPB, aims to provide an international platform for dialogue among Public Development Banks (PDBs), financial institutions, environmental organizations, and local stakeholders on the potential role of biodiversity credits in nature investment strategies. On the margins of the FICS the event will explore how PDBs can support biodiversity credits and share insights from experts on-the-ground. IAPB Co-Chair Sylvie Goulard will deliver the opening keynote speech, and IAPB Panel Member Pauline Nantongo Kalunda and Head of Secretariat Sandy Sheard will present the key findings of IAPB’s Framework for High Integrity Biodiversity Credits.
Interested in joining? Please register here:
February 27th : Nature and Biodiversity: Delivering Investments and Finance at Scale
This wide-ranging event on Nature finance is co-organised with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), International Development Finance Club (IDFC), NatureFinance and World Economic Forum (WEF). It will highlight real-life case studies of nature finance in action and the necessary building blocks for strengthening the enabling environment for nature finance, including biodiversity credits. IAPB Panel Member Pauline Nantongo Kalunda will deliver a speech on the potential of high integrity biodiversity credits and the key messages of IAPB’s Framework.
Press Coverage
Op-eds on IAPB's Framework
On 28 October the International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits (IAPB) launched its Framework for high integrity biodiversity credit markets. IAPB’s Panel members have authored a number of op-eds discussing the potential of biodiversity credits and credit markets in mobilising capital towards Nature conservation and restoration, helping to change the relationship of corporates and financial markets with Nature and better supporting Nature’s stewards.
Read the Comment from Alexandre Antonelli, Robert Calcagno, Pauline Nantongo Kalunda and Ximena Rueda in Nature
Read the op-ed from Chief Almir Narayamoga Suruí and Simon Zadek in Project Syndicate
Read the op-ed from Ilona Szabo de Carvalho in Folha de S. Paulo
Read the op-ed from Mariana Sarmiento and Simon Zadek in Cambio
IAPB launches Framework for high integrity biodiversity credit markets
28th October
On 28 October the International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits (IAPB) launched its Framework for high integrity biodiversity credit markets. The Framework lays the foundation for how biodiversity credits, a financing mechanism, can be harnessed to drive much needed investment towards the conservation and restoration of Nature.
Download the press release (English)
Download the press release (French)
Download the press release (Portuguese)
Download the press release (Spanish)
High Level Principles for Integrity and Governance of the Biodiversity Credit Market
(co-hosted with BCA and WEF)
23rd October, 11:40-13:00, Nuqui Academia & Research meeting room
The International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity credits (IAPB) has collaborated with the Biodiversity Credit Alliance and the World Economic Forum to update High-Level Principles for bringing integrity into biodiversity credit markets. By working together, we jointly sought to bring coherence to and establish guardrails for biodiversity crediting projects in response to calls from market actors for greater clarity around rules and protocols. The High-Level Principles seek to define the success factors for high integrity biodiversity credits and promote their use in a way that simultaneously delivers positive outcomes for nature and just equitable benefits for the stewards of biodiversity. They should also help prevent a recurrence of some of the problems witnessed in carbon credit markets, by defining the principles of governance and integrity which should be respected as the market evolves. This event is the formal launch of the High-Level Principles and will be presented jointly by the Biodiversity Credit Alliance, International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits, and the World Economic Forum.
Online viewing link:
EU engagement toward biodiversity certification and nature credits (IAPB co-Chair speaking)
28th October, 13:15-14:45, EU Pavilion, Blue Zone
The European Commission is hosting an event which will present two distinct pilot projects for biodiversity certification and nature credits that the organisation has launched. The session will also present and explore the close collaboration underway with other organisations and international partners in this emerging field. Sylvie Goulard, (co-Chair of the International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits) will play a key role as one of the speakers in the session, highlighting the importance of biodiversity credits as a critical and innovative tool to support conservation and restoration as well as the wider implementation of European and international biodiversity targets (with particular reference to Target 19d in the Global Biodiversity Framework).
Biodiversity Credits – Delivering for Nature and People
28th October, 14:15-15:45, Banco de Bogota Sede Principal, Cra. 3 # 8 - 13, San Pedro, Cali
Alongside its Framework, the International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits (IAPB) will showcase a set of biodiversity credit Pilot projects that demonstrate high-integrity practice in action. Pilots are a concrete way to show IAPB’s principles and guidance and give a tangible indication of the current state of the market. The IAPB chose projects representing a variety of ecosystems, countries, structures and governance. By bringing together a group of practitioners, the IAPB is open to exploring the development of a community of practice to share ideas and lessons learnt on the implementation of biodiversity credit projects. This event will be an opportunity to learn more about several projects that are of different development stages, their challenges and how they are demonstrating high integrity.
Link to register:
Finance & Biodiversity Day Plenary 6 - Horizon for Innovation and Scaling in Nature Finance
(IAPB co-Chair speaking)
(IAPB co-Chair speaking)
28th October, 17:00-17:50, Malpelo Room, Blue Zone
As part of the official Finance & Biodiversity Day organised by the Convention of Biological Diversity’s Secretariat, a session on Horizon for Innovation and Scaling in Nature Finance has been included. This session will explore the future landscape of innovation and scaling in nature finance, focusing on groundbreaking approaches and tools to support biodiversity and ecosystem investments. Key themes will include biodiversity credits, nature assets such as tokens, investment KPIs, the investability and bankability of nature projects, large-scale ecosystem investments like coral reefs and transboundary watersheds, and the capital continuum for scaling nature-related projects. Amelia Fawcett (co-Chair of the International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits), will play a key role as one of the speakers of the session, highlighting the important role of biodiversity credits in scaling Nature Finance as well as capital continuum for Nature projects.
A Framework for High Integrity Biodiversity Credits - Unlocking Investments for Nature and People
28th October, 18:00-19:20, Paramos NGOs Meeting Room
At this event, the International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits (IAPB) will formally launch its Framework for high integrity biodiversity credit markets, which represents the culmination of 18 months of the Panel’s work. The objectives of the Framework are twofold, in order to help meet the nature financing targets of the Global Biodiversity Framework. First, it gathers high-level principles, supported by detailed guidance on market development and technical design, informed by its work on measurement, demand, supply, stewardship and governance. The Framework provides guidance for buyers, sellers, governments, and validation and verification bodies to create an enabling environment for the biodiversity credit market to develop at scale and pace, with high-integrity at its core. Secondly, the Framework also showcases a set of pilot projects, as examples of how this market is developing on the ground. At this event, the IAPB’s co-Chairs, Dame Amelia Fawcett and Sylvie Goulard, will present the key insights from the Framework, and demonstrate how this work is contributing to positive outcomes for Nature, Equity & Fairness for People, and Good Governance for this nascent market.
Online viewing link:
WALD Innovation Facility: Strengthening Biodiversity in Carbon Markets (IAPB co-Chair speaking)
29th October, 9:30-10:30, IUCN Pavilion
High-integrity carbon markets have the potential to mobilize much-needed private finance for transformative climate action that benefits both climate and biodiversity. In doing so, markets can mobilize additional finance for nature-based solutions and help to reduce the financing gap for nature. The panel will discuss the building blocks for high-integrity carbon markets using nature-based solutions.